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I am Ruth Bayes

I have been working in film and video production for 7 years, across that time I have gained a broad experience in a variety of roles within the media and film industry across the board of the areas of production. I trained in a filmmaking bootcamp at New York Film Academy in 2015 and received my bachelors degree in Digital Filmmaking Production from SAE Institute. But I'm a big believer in continual learning and every time I pick up a camera, or start a new project is an opportunity to learn and grow. 

I committed to pursuing a career in film and media production because I am passionate about the power of storytelling. I believe that stories have a unique ability to connect with us and allow us to empathise and witness experiences different to our own. The medium of film, video and photography speak a language which is so loud in today's world. It reaches into the viewers reality engaging their attention whether for a 15 second instagram story or a 2 hour feature film, creating  the opportunity to provide a message or story that could spark a change. Yes, it is used as a tool of entertainment and escapism, but throughout my career I hope to use this tool to do more, to connect with people, to raise awareness, break down stereotypes and make a difference. 

My favourite role within production is cinematography, I love getting creative with lighting, camera angles and colour in order to visually tell a story, and my ambition is to be a feature film cinematographer. However, I'm a firm believer that film and video production is a collaborative process and gaining experience in a variety of roles across the production process is a great way to learn, which is what I have been doing throughout my career so far. I enjoy post-production, this is where the story really comes together, and you learn that pretty much anything is possible! I have done a lot of editing over the last 7 years, editing, corporate and educational videos, films, music and spoken word videos as well as working for a successful youtube channel. Due to my passion for storytelling I also love directing, and have made several short films, the trailers for which can be seen on the portfolio page. 

For a full breakdown of my work, experience and qualifications, as well as my daily rates and kit list, visit my services page. 


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