Good morning my lovely readers!
So the World happiness 2015 report was published at the end of last week and now we all want to live in Switzerland eating their wonderful chocolate!
However, this got me thinking about what it really is which makes us happy? (Other than chocolate) I’m assuming there’s the main things that we all would say make us happy… However if it were just those surely our country would feature higher on the report, which makes me think that the smaller, more personal, maybe more abstract joys in life, things that we perhaps, having everything we need, frequently take for granted, that have a larger impact, and maybe the reason we aren’t as high on the table isn’t because these things aren’t available to us or potential possibilities for us but because we don’t recognise or appreciate them.
I’ve been trying to think over the things that make me happy, so hopefully I can recognise them more easily when they’re around and really appreciate them. The next time that I feel angry or sad or down, rather than counting all the crap things in life, I can recount all the wonderful blessings I’ve received!
I know that’s a slightly cheesy message but I feel it’s an important one!
You could try making a list of what it is that makes you happy, do it now don’t wait until you feel upset to do it because it’s much harder then!
I hope you have a super week!