You know it’s amazing how we pick up on different things at different times, I was wondering this week, what to blog about and not coming up with anything that felt right or genuine but 2 things that I’ve watched this week formed a connection in my mind and my pen started to flow (or type).
The first was ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’ A film I’ve wanted to see for a long time and finally got to see that (it’s a fantastic film for any of you who haven’t already seen it!) The second thing was the Gillette advert called ‘UseYourAnd’.
These both got me thinking about the labels we put on ourselves and on others, and I wondered why is it so important for us to fit in, or fit into a mold that our stereotypical society created for us?
Why do we let just one label define us? And why does one choice limit us? Why can’t someone who enjoys being pampered also enjoy sports? Why can’t someone be smart and be fun.? Why can’t someone be “academic” and “creative”? Why do we have to be one thing or another. Who set the social laws on incongruent personalities and lifestyle choices?
This is something I’ve been rebelling against my entire life and will continue to challenge until I won’t be labelled as the ‘boring Christian’ or the ‘slut’ or the ‘swot’ or the ‘failure’.
I don’t want to be squashed into box and labelled, I don’t know who I am yet but I know I don’t fit under one title. There’s so many things I want to do with my one chance that I’m given on this earth and so what if they might not fit into what society deems to be a compatible match. This is me. Deal with it.
We’re all different and one label, meant to categorize all of us, can not define any of us.